Xiu Yun Wu  

















Tai Chi




Chi Gung













Hsing-I Chuan is much more than martial art. It is a comprehensive system of life training and discipline to provide the practitioner with a greater awareness of how to maintain his/her health, vitality, and life in the highest level of comfort and success possible.

The development of mind in Hsing-I and the internal arts in general is a very important part of the training. We say that the specific part of the intellect we are trying to cultivate is the "Intention". What is Intention? It is the workings of the mind which when put in to motion causes the occurrence of events in our lives. When you intend to do something, you cause it to come to pass. When you do something unintentionally, it is a reflection of an undisciplined mind. To train the Intention is to train yourself to be successful in any endeavor.

Hsing-I and other internal arts are experiential arts. First, the mind teaches the body, in that the student watches his/her teacher's movement and then tries to copy the movement as accurately as possible. With enough practice, the body begins to teach the mind. This is the first experiential stage whereby the body is beginning to "realize" things that the mind had previously missed in the first stage. After a good time of practice at this level, the final stage, which is the second and on-going, experiential stage is reached. This is the stage of true harmony between the mind, intention, and the body. Hsin, Yi, Li, Chi, Jing (Desire, Intention, Motion, Energy, Power).


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  Copyright ©2024 David Bernhardt, Xiu Yun Wu. All Rights Reserved.